Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What If meter gas is open?

Turning off the meter of gas is not the common thing, it does not occur often. Every member of the house should know the technique of turning off a gas meter to avoid uncertainty in case of emergency. In fact the area where you placed your connection should be checked properly at least once before going outside of the home.

Since ignorance can because of unpredicted harm, the gas meter area to be checked carefully. On the other hand there are many reasons can be count for turning off the gas meter including any cleaning of gas line, preventing possible storm damage.

Remember, if any situation occurs when you have doubt that gas is leaking out, turn off the gas valve inside the home as well as the valve which is positioned outside. Generally, this process should be done by professional or technician who is authorized for such work. But you cannot wait during emergencies; therefore it is necessary to get knowledge about the whole process of turning off the gas meter by the family members itself.

You can get knowledge from the professionals when they place the gas connection at your home, or ask at help line. Well, if you are not having any idea, so do not turn the valve back by yourself, call to company technician immediately.

  • If you are not aware with the method of shutting off the Gas meter, below furnished instruction can be helpful for you;
  • Gas meter can be sited inside or an outside of your home, so first of all turn off the main gas valve.
  • Usually, the gas valve is the first fixture on the gas supply pipeline coming out of the floor nearly the meter.
  • Turn the valve off just opposite to on position or diagonal to the pipe with the help of a wrench or any tool which fits in it.
  • Once the gas valve is turned off, do not try to turn it on and call to company professionals or technicians.

Here are some tips to avoid critical situation;
  • When you smell the gas, you should leave that area immediately and avoid the things which can create any spark.
  • All appliances which are related to light or spark such as heaters, power switches, should be turned off.
  • Furnace filters should be checked monthly.
  • Always clean the area where the meter is located.
  • Do not use any flammable material near the gas meter device or anything that can be a source of ignition.
  • Inspected your gas pipeline which connects any appliance carefully, if damage appears, should be repaired immediately.
  • Sometimes buried pipes non maintenance can be harmful, let it check by the professionals. If the pipe is metallic, there are chances for corrosion; you can get help for preventing it.

Safety is everyone’s priority; it can be maintained by keeping little precaution and still if you are unable to turn off the gas supply valve, you can call in your state emergency, call to your family member or friend so that they can help you out from the sudden situation.